Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Furry Little Bloggers!

Inspired by an article at about cats tweeting and blogging, I began to wonder what my cats would blog about.

I have six cats and three blogs. If each blog is monitored by two cats, I still have to clean the litter box. : )

One of my blogs is what comes out of my creative right brain (yeah, right, in my dreams), one blog comes from the logic left brain (ha, again!) and the third is what I call my deepest current.

For the right brain blog, with creativity, wonderment and confusion, the cats would post all the fun of playtime, the chase, the hide-and-seek, and staying up all night. Would their blog posts be about seeing imaginary things in the air to cutely paw at or be about the secret place they hide my hairbands?

On the left brain blog, and because I think most of my cats are strategic in everything they do, I imagine I would find out the truth of what happened the day I came home to find two of my science fiction books chewed to shreds (thanks for saving the covers, Einstein). The books were on a shelf over 6 1/2 feet off the ground, one of the favorite jumping off places for the cats to and from another shelf. Did they plan it? Did they know how upset I would be at the loss of these vintage books? Did they sit there looking down their superior noses from high above at the canines in the floor? Did the cats laugh behind their paws or smile directly at the dogs while thinking of the whirlwind they would reap when I got home? I hope they would write about it to share their sneaky strategy with other felines. Knowledge is power, and if it works, it can be hilarious!

My cats' posts about their deepest feelings on my third blog would possibly be a confession of how much they really love the dogs they torment so much, an admittance of how vulnerable they truly are despite their haughtiness, or a recount of the dream about the brown tabby tom down the alley. Tsk, tsk, girls! You're spayed already!

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