Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are Americans Ready for "Remember Me?"

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? Remember any arguments you had that morning? Did the day start like any other day?  Do you remember thinking what a terrible mistake it was when the first plane flew into the first tower, then when you heard the news of the second plane hitting the other tower, your world came to a halt, flipped over and presented itself as the true, terrifying place we now live in?

Depending on your level of involvement of what happened on September 11, 2001, you may or may not be prepared to redress the feelings of that day through a film you may think is a regular romantic drama. While subsequent fox chases, captured terrorists and sanctioned wars have lured us into thinking we've continually dealt with the emotions of that awful day, all that most Americans have done are changed the ways we go through airport security, remain suspicious of our Muslim neighbors and become more conscious of our borders.

We've become accustomed to the real footage on CNN or documentaries of the four airplanes full of people and two of the world's largest buildings meeting tragic ends on September 11, 2001.   But, are we prepared for everyday drama and romance with the beauty of Hollywood (or Great Britain and Australia in this case) drawing us into their story just to make a point that we've forgotten the lesson of living every moment of life to its fullest?

A new movie coming out this weekend will offer a window on that fateful day, but prepare yourselves. I want you to know that window may be a mirror you're not ready to look into yet.  The movie's storyline supposedly does not prepare you for its ending.  Luckily, many viewers will be young, following the popularity of actor Rob Pattinson. They probably don't remember all the emotions of what is now known simply as 9-11, but as Pattinson fans, they may be equally wounded. You can say it's just a movie, but movies have the power to move us. I do hope this film will move us in the right direction. It's called "Remember Me." Go see it, if you're ready. 

Here is the official trailer on YouTube to help you decide:  Remember Me Trailer

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