It’s been another full day of repeated lessons. The one that stands out the most is “don’t wait until it’s too late.” I know this one all too well because I would crumble to pieces if regret didn’t hold me together. A mesh of the HBO show, “True Blood” and the movie, “Remember Me” came together today to echo this lesson to me.
Why again? I wonder. Well, we’re half through the year and it’s a good point to stop and check on the progress of those great promises I made to myself as New Year’s resolutions. Let’s see, number one resolution: tell people what you really think and feel. That was going okay until some things, or someone, blindsided me so badly I can’t even begin to explain so I can’t tell them when I don’t understand myself. Number two resolution: work on public speaking. Well, I had been working on it until the problem with number one resolution got in the way. My plans were to start going to a Toastmasters meeting regularly, but big news today threw that out the window, at least for a year. Oh, best laid plans.
Am I waiting until it will be too late? One of the main characters of “True Blood” tells another to say what they need to say to people important to them before it’s too late. Appropriate to the plot line, but when I heard it a second time, it held deeper meaning in the presence of other people. Then the movie, “Remember Me”, made it bluntly clear not to wait to tell or show someone how much you care for them. (Yes, I finally saw it and the post about that is here).
But, what I need to express isn’t something I should say. What I think and feel is only important to me. I’m not so full of hubris to assume anyone else gives a damn. Even with this post, it’s just a release more than making sure the rest of the world knows about it.
Marking this half way point of the year made me realize I don’t have to successfully complete the resolutions by the end of the year; I just have to work on them. And, I do every day just like this older post.
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